RESTRICTIONS As You all know Pubg Mobile India Is Going To LAUNCH in India but Now its Name Has Been Changed To Battleground mobile Indi...
As You all know Pubg Mobile India Is Going To LAUNCH in India but Now its Name Has Been Changed To Battleground mobile India.This Name ia applied on only indian version.
But You know That pubg mobile Had Made some restrictions To play This for Indians As demand by the Govt of india.
Yes pubg mobile Has make some restrictions that govt has demanded by them.
1.18 years of below age should have to give his/her parental phone number to play.
2.players below 18 years of age can play maximum 3 hours per day only.
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels |
3.Players that wanted to purchase something ingame has also some restrictions:-
*Purchase limit per day is 7000rs.
*purchase item for the game will also give you a reciept for purchasing things.
*Some amount of your purchase item will deducted as a tax for indian govt( yet not confirmed)
Photo by SCREEN POST from Pexels |
4.As you all know that pubg game can be play with any people living in any country,but battleground mobile india doesn't give that permit, yes battle ground mobile india can only be play with indian people you cannot play with global people or any other version of pubg mobile.
5.This restriction ia made by govt that all the information of a particular player is not given to the krafton servers it will be stored in indian servers.
That mean no one of the outsiders can steal public informations and data.
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